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==Introduction ==
{{Infobox person
| title = Ayatollah Makārim Shīrāzī
| image = NUR00038.jpg
| full name = Nāṣir Makārim Shīrāzī
| other names = Makārim Shīrāzī
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| date of birth =1927
| place of birth =Shiraz
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| permission to ijtihad from =
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'''Nāṣir Makārim Shīrāzī''' (Persian:ناصر مکارم شیرازی) (born 1927) is a Shi'a Marja' and teacher of advanced level in Qom seminary. He is one of the seven
religious authorities introduced in 1994 by Jami'a Mudarrisin [the Community of the Teachers] of the Seminary of Qom.
== Life and Education ==
The eminent scholar, Ayatollah Nasir Makarim Shirazi was born in the year 1345 AH (1924 CE) in the city of Shiraz, Iran into a religious family who were well known for their great level of spirituality and noble ethical traits. His eminence finished his elementary school studies in Shiraz and due to his eagerness to learn, his powerful memorizing capabilities and other great talents, he was regarded as one of the extraordinary students from amongst his fellow classmates and because of this, was able to complete two years of studies in one year! The conditions that existed in Iran in those days obligated this young man - who possessed such a talent and great aptitude to choose the path of University studies to increase his knowledge and attain the higher (material) levels of secular studies. However through the hand of fate and the blessings of the Maintainer of the Universe and his own internal desires, this young man developed an attraction to becoming better acquainted and delve deep into the genuine teachings of Islam, especially since after the spring of 1348 AH (1937 CE) (just after he finished his primary school), the Islamic Seminaries went through a major transformation and had taken on a completely new form. The eminent scholar, Ayatollah Nasir Makarim Shirazi was born in the year 1345 AH (1924 CE) in the city of Shiraz, Iran in to a religious family who were well known for their great level of spirituality and noble ethical traits.  His eminence finished his elementary school studies in Shiraz and due to his eagerness to learn, his powerful memorizing capabilities and other great talents, he was regarded as one of the extraordinary students from amongst his fellow classmates and because of this, was able to complete two years of studies in one year!  
The eminent scholar, Ayatollah Nasir Makarim Shirazi was born in the year 1345 AH (1924 CE) in the city of Shiraz, Iran into a religious family who were well known for their great level of spirituality and noble ethical traits. His eminence finished his elementary school studies in Shiraz and due to his eagerness to learn, his powerful memorizing capabilities and other great talents, he was regarded as one of the extraordinary students from amongst his fellow classmates and because of this, was able to complete two years of studies in one year! The conditions that existed in Iran in those days obligated this young man - who possessed such a talent and great aptitude to choose the path of University studies to increase his knowledge and attain the higher (material) levels of secular studies. However through the hand of fate and the blessings of the Maintainer of the Universe and his own internal desires, this young man developed an attraction to becoming better acquainted and delve deep into the genuine teachings of Islam, especially since after the spring of 1348 AH (1937 CE) (just after he finished his primary school), the Islamic Seminaries went through a major transformation and had taken on a completely new form. The eminent scholar, Ayatollah Nasir Makarim Shirazi was born in the year 1345 AH (1924 CE) in the city of Shiraz, Iran in to a religious family who were well known for their great level of spirituality and noble ethical traits.  His eminence finished his elementary school studies in Shiraz and due to his eagerness to learn, his powerful memorizing capabilities and other great talents, he was regarded as one of the extraordinary students from amongst his fellow classmates and because of this, was able to complete two years of studies in one year!